I was the art director on Turmspringer, an animated 2D short directed by Oscar Bittner, during pre-production. The role was later taken on by Esther Brechlin during production and post production.
Short Synopsis:
Tuan has shared a close friendship with Felix since early childhood, which is jeopardised when their mutual coach pits them against each other with the prospect of becoming professional athletes.
Early Explorations
Initial, super quick thumbnails done for the project. I tried to focus on exploring a color palette that fit the tone of the script and finding ways of visually isolating or trapping Tuan, the protagonist.
Very early character explorations I did before we got our character designers, Camille van Delft and Gregor Wittich on board
Styleframe Exploration
After establishing a rough color scheme and look, I started doing styleframes to try out moods and coloring techniques while keeping in mind that I wanted compositing to be as simple as possible
Styleframe I did to figure out a more solid color palette, level of detail and background look
Character lineart done by Camille van Delft